A New H~ 1-Galerkin Mixed Finite Element Method for the Hyperbolic Type Integro-differential Equation 双曲型积分微分方程一个新H~1-Galerkin混合元格式
New exact solitary wave solutions for nonlinear wave equation with fifth-order strong nonlinear term constructed by hyperbolic function type of auxiliary equation; 利用同解变型法并结合一个高阶辅助方程的解,成功地取得了该方程的一些新的精确行波解。
Composition Operators from Hyperbolic α-Bloch Spaces into Hyperbolic Q_K Type Spaces 从双曲α-Bloch空间到双曲QK型空间上的复合算子
This paper has given the global uniqueness theory of solutions for a class of inverse problem in1-D Wave equation of hyperbolic type. 本文给出了一类双曲型一维波动方程反问题的解的整体唯一性定理。
Oscillation of Nonlinear Impulsive Hyperbolic Equations of Neutral Type with Several Delays 非线性脉冲中立型双曲方程的振动性
Nonlinear Systemic Study on the Stability of Surrounding Rock of Shuangfeng Freeway Tunnel Oscillation of Nonlinear Impulsive Hyperbolic Equations of Neutral Type with Several Delays 双峰隧道围岩稳定性非线性系统研究非线性脉冲中立型双曲方程的振动性
The hyperbolic number, hyperbolic type function and their properties are discussed. By using hyperbolic function, the solvability of a kind partial differential equations and the properties of the solutions are discussed. 研究双曲数、双曲型函数、双曲正则函数及其性质,并用双曲型函数讨论了一类双曲型偏微分方程解的存在性和解的性质。
Determination of the low term coefficient in a inverse problem of hyperbolic type equation 关于确定一类双曲型方程低次项系数的反问题
Finite Volume Element Methods for Integro-differential Equations of Hyperbolic Type 双曲型积分-微分方程的有限体积元方法
Taking the expansion of hyperbolic function as a special formal power series, through the hyperbolic operation of formal power series, the author obtains four groups of twin identity of hyperbolic type, among which three groups are related to Bernoulli's numbers or Euler's numbers. 将双曲函数展开式作为特殊的形式幂级数,通过形式幂级数运算获得双曲类型4组孪生恒等式,其中3组与Bernoulli数、Euler数有关。
Construction quality control of aerated concrete masonry with hyperbolic type 双曲线型加气混凝土砌体施工的质量控制
The dynamic secant elastic modulus is introduced to analyze the test data, and the results indicate that the dynamic secant elastic modulus-strain curves of all test models are hyperbolic type. 采用动割线模量的概念对试验数据进行了分析,认为不同试样动割线模量与动应变的关系曲线都符合双曲线的变化规律。
Difference Method of Singular Perturbation Problems for Partial Differential Equations of Hyperbolic Type 双曲型偏微分方程奇异摄动问题的差分解法
Cauchy problem for quasilinear hyperbolic systems of linearly degenerate type 具线性退化特征拟线性双曲型方程组的Cauchy问题
Properties of Nuclear Circle Assembler of Laguerre's Hyperbolic Type 拉氏(Laguerre)双曲型有核圆汇中线性圆列的一些性质
It is conducted that a numerical simulation research based on the examples of different types of balanced function in traffic flow model, explores the relationship between the type of free term and the dispersivity dissipation of the numerical solution of nonlinear first order equations of hyperbolic type. 该文以交通流模型中不同平衡函数表达式为例,对一阶非线性双曲型方程组的自由项形式与数值解的色散性、耗散性之间关系,进行了数值模拟研究。
A Hyperbolic Type Semi& Empirical Formula on Density р ( t) of Water 水密度ρ(t)的双曲型半经验公式
In this paper, we have discussed the appropriate interpolation problem on one of the Curve Type Node Configurations: Hyperbolic Type Node Configuration. 本文讨论了R~2上的弧线型结点组之一:双曲线型结点组上插值的适定性问题。
Cauchy Problems for Second Order Systems of Semi-linear Partial Differential Equations of Hyperbolic Type 一类半线性双曲型方程组的柯西问题
It concludes the works as follows: ( 1) The dynamic stress-strain curves of both soft clay and LCES are hyperbolic type. 粘土和LCES的动应力应变曲线都符合双曲线的变化规律。
Forced Oscillations of Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problems of Neutral Type 中立型双曲边值问题的强迫振动
The method and results of this paper can be extended to the problems for a class of hyperbolic type systems as well. 本文所用的方法与所得到的结果也可推广到一类双曲型系统的快速最优控制问题中去。
If the hydraulic noise in the, valve plate is required to be eliminated, the characteristics of preloading and pre-releasing of the cylinder must be hyperbolic type. 如果想消除液压配流噪声,油缸的预升、释压力特性也必须按双曲线规律变化。
The Opposite Vertex Theorems of Second Order Linear Partial Differential System of Hyperbolic Type with Constant Coefficients and Their Applications 二阶常系数线性双曲型偏微分方程组的对顶点定理及其应用
A Species of Hyperbolic type Dirac Equations 一类双曲型Dirac方程
The instability of positive classical solutions for a class of nonlinear hyperbolic equations with the third type nonlinear boundary conditions is discussed and the upper-bound of the blowing-up time is found. 本文讨论了一类非线性双曲方程具有第三类非线性边界条件的正的古典解的不稳定性问题,并且得到了爆破时刻的上界。
Structure of the Super hyperbolic Type Kac-Moody Lie Algebra and Its Singularity 超双曲型Kac-MoodyLie代数的结构与奇异性
A new roof structure consisting of three latticed shells of hyperbolic paraboloid type has been used for the Shijingshan Gymnasium built for the nth Asian Games in Beijing. 石景山体育馆的屋盖结构由三片四边形的双曲抛物面网壳组成。
After simplification of the Jou model, a diffusion dynamic equation, which was characterized with hyperbolic type, was obtained, then simulative analysis for three combined dimensionless parameters was done to research various diffusion behavior resulted from the change of model parameters. 经过对Jou模型的简化处理,得到了双曲型的扩散动力学方程,通过对模型中3个组合参数的仿真分析,研究了参数的变化可能导致的不同的扩散行为。
According to the complicated problems exited in special situation calculation of aerated concrete with hyperbolic type in funnel of coal coke oven with reinforced concrete structure the construction method of this kind of aerated concrete is introduced based upon engineering example. 针对捣固侧装煤焦炉煤塔钢筋混凝土结构漏斗内空间狭小等问题,并结合工程实例,介绍了其施工方案。